There is Time. You Can Treat Or Prevent Cognitive Decline

The reality is that dementia and memory loss are not a normal part of aging and conditions like Alzheimer’s disease are largely avoidable. At Restore Wellness Centre, Dr. Ken Patterson offers a proven program that uses customized interventions to prevent or even reverse cognitive decline. Whether you or a loved one wants to be proactive about brain health or you’re already experiencing impairment, our solutions can help.

Lifestyle Factors Contribute to Cognitive Decline​

The good news is, they can be changed

Vitamins & Minerals

Deficiencies in brain-boosting nutrients can have a big impact on cognitive health.

Pre-existing health conditions

Conditions ranging from diabetes to gum disease are tied to neurodegeneration.


Hormonal imbalances may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

Environment (mold)

Exposure to toxins, such as mold, lead and mercury, can contribute to cognitive decline.

Revive, Renew, Restore

There is Time to Change Your Brain

The process of developing dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, is gradual and begins decades before you’re diagnosed. There is time to get ahead of it. Dr. Patterson can conduct a comprehensive assessment and create a customized plan that includes preventive medicine and lifestyle changes. His program helps the brain change itself, giving you real and lasting results.

Schedule an assessment today!

The Current Approach to Treating Dementia Has Failed

We apply Dr. Dale Bredesen, MD’s proven protocol. He spent 30 years researching cognitive decline and found that there are at least 36 different factors that affect whether the brain goes down the pathway that results in amyloid plaque buildup and, ultimately, Alzheimer’s disease.He compares it to a roof with 36 holes in it. While drug companies continue to search for the single pill that will cure Alzheimer’s, even the best medication can only plug one or two holes. This one-size-fits-all approach will never be effective in tipping the balance towards a healthy pathway for the majority of people.

There Are Factors You Can Control

The Pathway to Cognitive Decline

You wake up, scroll through social media on your phone and then grab a blood-sugar-spiking bowl of cereal. Next, you head straight to your home office, skipping the morning exercise and vitamin D from sun exposure.

You work all day, battling stress and surging cortisol levels, only stopping to eat a sandwich and cookie for another blood sugar spike.

After work, you decide to order pizza and spend the evening watching Netflix while the inflammation from the dairy sets in. Finally, you turn in for a night of fitful sleep and wake up a few hours later to start the whole process over again.

The Pathway to a Healthy Brain

You wake up and spend a few minutes getting centered by journaling or meditating before having scrambled eggs and a side of fresh berries. Next up, you take a brisk walk outside, getting some vitamin D and exercise.

You head to work, taking breaks every hour or so to stretch your legs and move around a bit. You eat a veggie-heavy lunch.

For dinner, maybe you have some salmon and broccoli, followed by a cup of tea. You chat with your significant other or a friend and watch a little TV before turning off your screens. You spend the last two hours before bed reading and unwinding. You get a solid night’s sleep and wake up refreshed.

Get a Tailored Treatment Plan and Expert Guidance for Proven Results

Dr. Patterson takes a whole-health approach. Based on your bloodwork and assessment, he determines your specific risk factors and creates a customized plan to address the root causes of cognitive decline instead of merely attempting to treat the symptoms.
While every patient is unique, treatment could include a mix of the following

About Dr. Ken Patterson​

Dr. Ken Patterson is president and medical director of Restore Wellness Centre. He graduated from Southwest Medical School as a family physician. Dr. Patterson spent 25 years as an ER doctor, where he saw the pitfalls of a reactive approach to health. He decided to shift his focus to functional medicine, which aims to proactively prevent chronic diseases instead of merely treating symptoms as they arise. 

Restore Wellness Centre was born out of Dr. Patterson’s desire to get to people earlier when he could make a difference. Now, as Abilene’s leading expert in cognitive decline, he helps people of all ages improve their memory and brain health.

What Our Patients Are Saying​​

Take Control of Your Brain and Body Health

Cognitive decline CAN be prevented and even reversed. Book a no-pressure assessment to find out your risk factors and start on the path to healing.
Restore Wellness Centre
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