Restore Wellness Centre

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Laughter IS the Best Medicine

iStock_000018076345XSmallStress is a killer, but laughter is good medicine.  Do you know anyone who doesn’t enjoy laughter?  Not likely. How many time have you a good laugh, and then said “Thanks, I really needed that?”  You were probably right. After all, it’s pretty hard to feel stress or the effects of stress when you are laughing.

I would like to speak to my friends in Abilene about the importance of having a good laugh.

It has been said that laughter is like internal jogging. It gives your muscles and organs some good exercise. When you laugh, you are sending healthy signals throughout your body as opposed to the negative signals from stress that often cause disease.

If you suffer from disorders caused by stress, I invite you to visit my office here in Abilene, where we specialize in preventing and treating stress-related diseases.

Call for your consultation today. 325-704-5069

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