Restore Wellness Centre

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Start your journey to health & wellness today

Two Leading-Edge Treatment Options Now Available in the Big Country

Hello friends and family!  We’ve been busy here at Restore Wellness Centre, both providing state-of-the-art wellness services and exploring new services that we can use to improve the health and health prospects of West Texans.  This is what our mission is all about: through incorporation of both time-honored knowledge and cutting-edge technologies to assist Abilene and West Texas residents to reach their highest quality future life.

We’ve been busy doing just this very thing. I’ve been studying and exploring what advances in the field of Wellness Medicine will bring the most benefit to you, and I have good news about the results of this study.  We have several new program benefits to offer our patients.

We start with the very most important organ:  The Brain.  Until now most of the news about dementia and cognitive decline has been dismal.  The good news is there is now hope. We have been working with Dr. Dale Bredesen to incorporate into our clinic his protocol for treating cognitive decline.  He has had outstanding results from his program. We expect nothing less in our clinic and we are excited to offer this intervention to our patients.   Of course, the question that comes to everyone’s mind is:  “Should I be concerned about my Brain?  We are equipped to answer this question with several assessment tools.

We are also taking our brain interventions one step further. We are now offering Neurofeedback at Restore Wellness Centre.  This is a simple but high-tech intervention that helps Cognitive Impairment, Depression, Anxiety, Sleeplessness, ADHD and many other brain related impairments. Our device measures the level of brain activity in specific regions throughout the brain, assesses the relationship of this activity to the symptoms and then establishes a treatment protocol to help normalize the abnormalities.   This allows for an effective non-pharmacologic intervention for many of these problems.

Additionally, I recently took a few days out of the clinic to travel to Miami where I learned the GAINSWave® technique. This is a new technology that helps enhance the quality of life for middle age and older men.  This falls into the category of something that interests me very much: Marriage Enrichment & Enhancement.  Please check out our mens health website and Facebook page for more information and updates about all this exciting news.

I would like to help a few patients get started on the road to success next week. You know I like to take action toward optimal wellness and health. We have special discounts for existing clients and as an incentive, I will add a complimentary treatment session to a new brain plan or new GAINSWave® plan if you schedule a consultation by the end of next week.

Please call us at 325-704-5069 for an appointment or to learn more.

Dr. Ken Patterson, FAAAAM

Fellow American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

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