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Your Computer, Your Sleep, and Your Heart

brain health, Dr. Ken Patterson Jr.Turn the TV/computer off and go to bed! Getting 5 hours of sleep doubles your chances of heart attack, according to a British study that tracked 10,000 people over an eight-year period. People get less sleep today than they did in the past mainly because of using electronic devices late into the night.

The Brain

By age 18, the human brain stops growing. As a matter of fact, the human brain after age 18 begins to lose more than 1,000 brain cells each day. Do not fear: since the fully developed brain has over 100 billion cells, at the rate of losing 1,000 cells each day, it will take 300,000 years before your brain is out of cells.

So, in short … you are already losing brain cells as it is, so put down the iPad, turn off the TV, close the laptop, and get a good night’s sleep. Wake up refreshed and ready to face the day!

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