Using Sound Waves to Treat Peyronie’s Disease and Erectile Dysfunction?!
Urologist Dr. Judson Brandeis joins The Doctors to talk about a new procedure that uses sound waves to bring relief to men with erectile dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease. Peyronie’s disease is a condition caused by injury to the penis (80% of the time men can’t even recognize when the episode occurred) which results in scar […]
Two Leading-Edge Treatment Options Now Available in the Big Country
Hello friends and family! We’ve been busy here at Restore Wellness Centre, both providing state-of-the-art wellness services and exploring new services that we can use to improve the health and health prospects of West Texans. This is what our mission is all about: through incorporation of both time-honored knowledge and cutting-edge technologies to assist Abilene and West Texas residents […]
Story of Genetically Modified Food
Stress, Hormones, & Belly FAT
It’s gut-wrenching for me to see a new patient walk into my wellness center who is too far gone for me to help them reverse their pain and ravaged health. Sadly, they’ve allowed too much damage to take place for too long. Oh, yes, I can almost always make them more comfortable without some drug-store […]
The Big Five Stress Agents
You need to know that most of the fault for any failures you might be having comes at the hands of the BIG FIVE STRESS AGENTS: 1. Big Myth – Poor information that continues to fool the public year after year, leading the unaware to poor choices about health, dieting, and fitness. 2. Big Medicine […]
Hormonal Problems and Thyroid Malfunction
If you’ve been experiencing hormonal problems, it may be due to your thyroid gland. The thyroid is a small, yet important glad in the neck that works to provide proper bodily function. When the thyroid is suppressed, it may manifest in a variety of ways, including weight gain, exhaustion, moodiness, bloating and more. Do you […]
Adrenal Hormones and Your Health
What Follows is an Example of What an “Adrenal” Patient Will Need to know in Order to lose Weight (Especially Fat). First, let’s take stock. Have you had any of these in your life? Injury, pain, surgery, infection, illness, divorce, financial stress, job stress, poison ivy, giving birth, irritable people, starvation diets, the menstrual […]
It’s probably not your GENES fault that your JEANS don’t fit!
Many aging myths need to be shattered. Even the impact of genetics on long-term health is now being turned on its head. For example, today we know that genetics only contributes about 3–5% of our longevity. The rest comes from life choices that affect how our genes behave under the conditions we hand them. […]
Runaway Stress Is the Beginning of Poor Health
Are You Experiencing Signs of Runaway Stress? Here are most of the common signs of runaway stress. The list is long, but you need to recognize the most common expressions of stress before you understand the importance of doing something about it: You cringe in front of a mirror because of growing bulges, fading muscle […]
Too Much Stress Accelerates Aging and Leads To Poor Health
Step Number One towards Reclaiming Your Health Manage your stress and you’ll dramatically reduce your time on the “conveyor belt.” That’s right. It’s not the passage of calendar years that creates the symptoms of “aging” and deterioration that we see and feel. Rather, what gets to you is stress that you don’t have the health […]